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introduction to practice

Introducción a la práctica

We offer you a practical, accessible and simple guide to delve deeper into meditation and mindfulness by learning various basic techniques, and more advanced ones to walk the path of self-realization and personal growth.


When? Wednesdaythemfrom 19:30 to 20:00 CET.

To register, send us your datos by email orWhatsApp (+34) 606 559 850

As? By ZOOM 

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Comments from participants

I was able to join the meditation today and it has been a balm for me. Thank you very much for the work that you are doing. I send you a very big kiss and I will try to join you every Monday and Thursday.

I loved today's meditation session. I felt like a mountain, great!!! gracias

Thank you very much Carmen. I think these meditations will be of great help when we return to normal life. In this time is being very positive on a psychological level. Thank you very much for your great help.

Thanks for the meditation. I find myself with a lot of peace!!

Thank you very much for yesterday's meditation, very clear, very practical and surely very effective. I will practice.

How good it was, thanks for sharing it. A friend who has lost his father suddenly to Covid has also been watching the meditation to follow your recommendations.

Hello! I've been into meditation. I liked it a lot!! I will spread the word... You can help a lot with your sessions!

Carmen, once again I truly thank you for your healing words and generosity. It's like a balm for him spirit. This gift you give us is priceless. Kisses

Videos meditación

Would you like to know our work?

Check out our meditation videos

Since the State of Health Alert began, we have been offering free online mindfulness sessions.


It seemed like a good opportunity to make confinement more bearable for you. We hope we have been able to contribute our grain of sand to improve your quarantine. On this page you will find all the videos of the 13 sessions we gave. 

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El material facilitado por esta Fundación es gratuito para información de los padres y educadores interesados. Está autorizada su reproducción y difusión por personas y entidades sin ánimo de lucro siempre que no se modifique el texto y se haga constar, como fuente, el nombre de esta Fundación.

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